About Michele
This is my third attempt to write a brief bio; I initially got too detailed and bored myself to death. So here goes:
I just finished reading Marie Condo’s book, The Magic of Tidying and I am ready to transform my home—and life! It’s the fourth in a list of books that have recently inspired me:
- Wallace Wattle’s The Science of Getting Rich (on which The Secret was based).
- Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, an Antidote to Chaos.
- Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover and his Financial Peace University course.
These books show that it’s possible to change, even at 58 years old, and to feel that life is not only an exciting series of adventures, but a joy in the day-to-day.
Married (Twice)
Widowed (Once)
Mother (Two of my own and two step-children)
Grandmother (Of one)
Have been a secretary/executive assistant my entire life and am very thankful that it has provided such a good living for me and my family.
Although I never thought our year of adventure and foster care “defined” me and rarely talked about it till later in life, I am realizing that I have pretty much always been waiting for Armageddon and never thought I could plan for the future. I know that things happen which you can’t control, but there is an awful lot that you can control and create in your life, and I am finally starting to consciously do that!
So though I am not now waiting for Armageddon, I still have a fascination with the spiritual life, and this book I have found quite amazing: The History of the Origin of All Things.
Let the adventure begin!