Waiting for Armageddon—A Twinoir is a memoir about our family and the upheaval that occurs when our mother decides to illegally home-school in 1970’s Washington, D.C. A recently widowed, well-educated, and free-spirited mother of eight, her stance against “the System” sends our family on an adventure and tests our faith in ways we never could have imagined. From court-case to foster-care to the highs and lows of life on the lam in New York City, it’s Auntie Mame meets Miracle on 34th Street meets Captain Fantastic.
The Mansour Family (top photo)
Front Row, left to right: our mother Annie Laurie; our father Farris seated with Matthew on his lap; Saul
Back Row: left to right: Stephen, Melanie, Michele, Maryam, Peter, Riley.